Thursday, June 23, 2011

Satan-Tricky Little Devil or Misunderstood Scapegoat?

Dear Brother Ron

I keep reading things like "the devil's tricky" or "the devil takes many disguises". What about this? Humans are selfish and prone to error and misguided, terrible choices. Is the devil just a highly convenient reason to say (to God), "Don't look at me. I had nothing to do with it."?

Jung Son

Dear Jung Son

I remember many years ago, comedian Flip Wilson played a character called Geraldine who did the most outrageous things. Whenever somebody would ask why she did them, Geraldine would reply, "The devil made me do it". This is why I refer to people who try to blame their misdeeds on supernatural influence as the Geraldine Syndrome.

We have created the devil to be our scapegoat for criminal or antisocial behavior. Even if the devil speaks to you, you have a choice whether to listen or not. If you choose to follow his advice, you must accept the responsibility for making that choice.

Best always
Brother Ron

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