Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rastafarian Book of Worship

Dear Brother Ron

I like reading the books of worship for some religions and philosophers etc. and was wondering what the Rastafarian equivalent to the bible would be. Thanks for any help.


Dear Stuntman

The Holy Piby, published in 1924 (Newark, New Jersey), is an occult bible which was allegedly translated from "Amharic". The Piby emphasizes the destruction of white "Babylon" and the return of the Black Israelites to Africa which is the true Zion. It is also known as the "Black Man's Bible". It was quickly adopted by Rastafarians as one of their foundation books for Theological references in the sect.

The King James Version of the Bible is the most popular Holy Bible and is the one used by Rastafarians. It was published in 1611 and has been the Standard English version for nearly 400 years. They believe that all other versions are corrupt and this version is the closest to the original manuscripts. Like Christians, the Rastafarians believe that the 66 books of the bible tell the account of God's actions, purpose for creation and man's redemption. However their interpretation of many of the books, passages and prophecies in the Bible are very different. Many passages are attributed a reference to the Emperor Haile Selassie. Rastafarians are avid daily Bible readers.

"The Royal Parchment Scroll Of Black Supremacy" by Rev. Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh was first published in Kingston, Jamaica in 1926. The book professes Black Supremacy and self-determination under "Afro Centric Ethiopian constructs". Many claim that Leonard Percival Howell's "Promised Key" is a plagerized version of this book, that was modified to fit Rastafari.

"The Promised Key" (published under the Hindu name Gangunguru Maragh which means "teacher of famed wisdom") by Leonard Percival Howell. It contains the foundations for Rastafari and used many of the same concepts found in The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy (some have accused him of plagiarizing from this book due to the many similarities) and the Holy Piby.

The "Kebra Negast" which literally translates to "Glory Of The Kings" in Amharic, (the Ethiopian national language), is the National Epic of the Ethiopia State. Rastafarians see it as Prophecy. This is one of the main contentions between Rastafarians and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, as they see it as a historical epic of Ethiopian Royalty.

Hope this helps.

Best always
Brother Ron

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Friend is a Homosexual

Dear Brother Ron

I have a friend who is homosexual and I am a Christian what should I do to help him be saved? We were friends as kids and have met again as adults. He is kind and generous and I know he was raised in the Baptist Church as I was. We both had been sexually abused by foster fathers as children. We are male and are best friends and I don't want to lose his trust. I care for his soul and were he will be after this life.


Dear Ricky

A person's sexual preference has nothing to do with the fate of their soul. Your belief that it does shows that you are a dogmatist who follows the teachings of men rather than the teachings of Jesus. Jesus gave us two commandments:

Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

I don't see a lot of fine print there. I don't see "love thy neighbor except .......". I don't see "love thy neighbor if they agree to .....". Religious organizations put the conditions on the words of Jesus. If you are following these conditions, then you are following organizational dogma. This makes you a dogmatist, not a disciple. Your friend has already rejected the dogma. If you continue to espouse it over the words of Jesus, he will reject you as well.

Best always
Brother Ron

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Rapture

Dear Brother Ron

Have you heard about the may 21, 2011 being the day that jesus comes and the story behind that.
This is a link I found after my husband told about this story he heard on the radio. I would like to know what you think about this. please check it out and give me your view on this.

Thanks and God bless.

Glory Bee

Dear Glory Bee

I believe the whole rapture thing is a misinterpretation of the scriptures. The Bible talks about "that day" and the churches take it to mean the day will be the same for everybody. That does not square with the near-death experiences of many. It also does not square with the words of Yeshua. The only time He ever looked anybody in the eye and said, "You're going to heaven" was the thief on The cross beside Him.

Luke 23:39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. Luke 23:40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? Luke 23:41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. Luke 23:42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Notice He did not say "You're going to die but don't worry about it. Lay around in the grave for a thousand years or so and when I get around to it, I'll get back to you". He said, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". I don't see a lot of fine print there.

This is a common tactic for religious organizations who want to add a "fire sale" effect to their marketing. This offer is only good for a limited time so rush to your nearest dealership NOW!!! Great marketing, lousy theology. Remember the prediction that the world was going to end on January 1, 2000? That was just one of many such predictions which did not come true.

One day, your life in this world will end. And on that day, our Father will welcome you home. But don't expect the whole world to join you.

Best always
Brother Ron

Know your enemy

If you have seen the movie "Patton", you may remember the scene of the general standing on a cliff overlooking Rommel's burning tanks and yelling, "I read your book". He was able to defeat Rommel because he understood how his adversary thought. We should adapt the same strategy in confronting those who have hijacked Islam from a religious movement to a political and military movement.

Since 9/11, we have seen glaring examples of politicians who clearly did not understand their adversary. One of the most glaring was the Congressman who referring to Muslims worshipping their "monkey god". He then apologized, not to Muslims but to Hindus who thought he might have been referring to Lord Hanuman. If the Congressman had taken the time to understand what he was talking about an absurd idea, I know), he would have found the following in the Qur'an:

002.133 Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy god and the god of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (True) Allah: To Him we bow (in Islam)."

Perhaps the most famous example of willful ignorance was the urban legend about verse 09.11 of the Qur'an. The verse was wrongly quoted as "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace."

The verse actually says, "009.011 But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity,- they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand."

I believe it is important to understand not only what you believe but why you believe it. It is also important to understand what you do not believe and why you do not believe it. Otherwise, you are fair game for those who would use your lack of knowledge to further their personal agendas.

Isn't that what the terrorists do?

Best always
Brother Ron

Teach Your Children Well

In his weekly address, the President talked about reforms in education. One point he made was that reform should happen from the bottom up, not from the top down. I could not agree more. In our school systems, only half of the money we spend on education makes it to the classroom. The rest is eaten up by administrative expenses. Much of this is providing the documentation required by federal agencies to assure continued funding. In other words, the school systems are spending a ton of money to make sure they get more money to do the paperwork to get more money.

This is yet another example of the disastrous effects of a "let George do it" mentality. As I have said before, Uncle Sam is a rotten parent. Depending on the government to care about the education of our children is a losing proposition. Government agencies are concerned about the operation and funding of the agency. The needs of the public are at the bottom of their list of priorities.

The answer is simple-parents. Those parents who do not take an active role in the education of their children are condemning their children to the good graces of a system which has proven time and again that they are not equal to the task. This applies not only to academic education but character education as well.

Character education is a parental responsibility. It requires not only teaching by lecture but teaching by example. We have recently seen yet another example of how looking for role models from politics, entertainment and sports is a losing proposition. If you want a role model for your children, don't look for one. Be one.

Teach your children well.

Best always
Brother Ron

The Bible and Political Office

Dear Brother Ron

I know there is a separation between church and state. But that does not mean that we should stand by and do nothing. Strong Bible Christians should be raised up in the church to run as politicians in order to save this country of ours Why Not? Churches and syna- gogues have a lot of money to raise up their own.


Dear Jetrose

While I agree that elected officials should have a strong spiritual foundation, there are some problems with churches breeding political leaders to serve their dogmatic agendas. First, the founding fathers of this country learned from history what happens when a religious organization gains political and military power. The Catholic church of a thousand years ago used its political and military power to carry out the crusades and the Inquisition. The damage from these episodes is still being felt hundreds of years later.

Actually, we need look no further than today's news reports to see what happens when a religious organization aspires to political goals. Each day, we hear of new horrors inflicted by Islamic fundamentalists in the name of God. Every year, homosexuals and other "undesirables" are persecuted and killed by those who think they are carrying out the will of God. If a religious organization was to gain political and military control in this country, the United States as we know it would cease to exist.

But there is a more practical reason why your idea is impractical. If there is anything the churches fear more than the pains of hell, it is the loss of their tax-exempt status. IRS Publication 1828, Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations, clearly lays out what political activities are allowed and prohibited for churches. If a church violates these regulations, they can be forced to pay taxes on their income (including tithes and other contributions), properties and other assets.

Churches have tried for years to get around these regulations. Every effort has failed. I'm afraid you are just going to have to find candidates who reflect your ideals and support them. The government will not allow churches to grow their own politicians.

Best always
Brother Ron

Believing Without Seeing

Dear Brother Ron

Most of the intellectual people I know are not believers of God. They use their minds for many things in life but it seems like they are "blocked off" when it comes to believing in Jesus. It's like a higher IQ makes you a 'doubting Thomas'. Why is it so hard to have faith and believe without seeing?


Dear Elle

Intellectuals are trained to look for documented proof and collaboration before accepting anything. This can be good when analyzing human works or statements. The problem is this objectivity is based on certain assumptions about what constitutes reality and fact. These assumptions are based on the laws of nature and physics as we understand them.

God and faith are not subject to our laws of nature and physics. It has been said often that man only uses a small percentage of his brain. Imagine what would happen if a person were to find a source of power within himself which would open up new areas of thought and new perceptions about the world around him. What could such a person accomplish? What would happen if a person became one with God as Jesus instructed us to do?

Of course this would require the person to abandon traditional assumptions and traditional ways of thinking. This might be very difficult. Check out the movie "What the #$^& Do We Know?". You can order it from Netflix or get it from most video stores. It might open the eyes of your skeptical friends.

Best always
Brother Ron

Friday, May 20, 2011

Did Jesus Promise a Sign?

Dear Brother Ron

Mark 8:11-13

11-The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign (semeion) from heaven. 12-He sighed deeply and said, "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign (semeion)? I tell you the truth, no sign (semeion) will be given to it." 13-Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side.

Matthew 12:38-39

38-Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign (semeion) from you." 39-He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign (semeion)! But none will be given it except the sign (semeion) of the prophet Jonah.

Christians might try to say that Jesus meant that they would not receive a sign from heaven in Mark 8, however Jesus made it clear that they would not receive any semeion and did not specify which kind. Jesus said no semeion will be given to them. However, we don't see this in Matthew.

Dear Klaven

This is the Biblical version of "show me your papers". The Pharisees wanted objective proof that Jesus was who He said He was. Of course, if they had been with Him for any length of time, they would have already seen healings and other miracles. But they wanted miracles on demand like Pizza Hut. The response is in Matthew 12:39-40:

Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

In other words, Jesus was telling them they would get their sign when He rose from the grave. But to give them a miracle on demand would be perilously close to the experience of Jesus when He was tempted in the wilderness. You recall that Satan told Him to prove Himself to the people by diving off the cliff so that the angels would catch Him and save Him. Jesus replied: "It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Luke 4:12).

Jesus was not going to let Satan tempt Him and He wasn't going to let the religious professionals get away with it either.

Best always
Brother Ron

Life After Death

Dear Brother Ron

What do you think about Life After Death? The New Testament gives evidence of heaven, hell and resurrection. Ive been studying this topic in detail for my Religous Studies A level. So what is your opinion on life after death? Do you think Revelations is right that hell is a pool of fire burning with sulfur where inhabitants will be tormented day and night for eternity?

Cherry Pie

Dear Cherry Pie

Jesus tells us that no deed is good enough to earn you a ticket to heaven. It follows then that no deed is bad enough to earn you a ticket to hell. This entire philosophy is based on the premise that the human soul is separate from the Spirit of God. It is also based on the premise that God is waiting to see what we will do before deciding what He will do. Both premises are incorrect.

The book of Genesis tells us that "Genesis 2:7-And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul". To bring life to something which had been inanimate, there must have been something in that breath more than air. The word "spirit" comes from the Greek word for breath. The implication is that the Holy Spirit is the breath of God within us.

If the Holy Spirit is part of God, then it can not be lost. This would mean that God had lost a part of Himself. That would make Him less than He was and less than God. This is contrary to every teaching of the Judeo-Christian theology. So when the body dies, the Holy Spirit must return to its source. The whole fire and brimstone thing is a way for the church to control behavior and demond allegiance. Great marketing, lousy theology.

And God is not waiting to see what we will do before deciding what He will do. This would mean that God is as blind to the future as we are. This means that the laws of physics are more powerful than God. So God is not omnipotent or omniscient. Again, this contradicts basic assumptions about God. It turns God into a limited, blind deity.

I consider this an insult to God.

Best always
Brother Ron

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Law and the Ten Commandments

Dear Brother Ron

Is the Judicial system of the U.S. based on the Ten Commandments? I hear this a lot in our local news, but I don't understand why someone would think this. The First Amendment clearly knocks out the first three commandments. I can worship one God, many gods, or no gods at all and the State cannot say a thing about it. I can even make a golden calf and worship that if I like.

I also can work on any day of the week, all days, or no days if I want. There is no law against adultery, so I can make love outside of marriage all I want with breaking any laws. I can honor my parents, or call them scum sucking pigs if I want, with our freedom of speech. I can lie all I want as long as I don't do it to cheat someone out of money (stealing) or commit perjury (bearing false witness).

So all that is left is stealing, perjury, and murder. Only 30% of the ten commandments are even in our laws, right?


Dear Uptospeed

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The First Amendment says the government has no right to decide which god you worship. In fact, you don't have to worship any god if you don't want to.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Every government building is full of graven images that we are supposed to honor, if not worship. How many children stand in the classroom and pledge allegiance, not to God, but to the flag and "the republic for which it stands"?

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. Contrary to popular belief, this has nothing to do with four-letter words. It means don't blame God for your troubles. How many politicians have claimed that God was punishing us for our evil ways? God is not a homicidal maniac.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. The word sabbath comes from the Hebrew sabbat, which means seventh. The last time I looked, the seventh day was Saturday. When did we decide that we should make laws to close businesses on Sunday? What does that have to do with the sabbath? Can you imagine the outcry if all the bars had to close from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday?

Honour thy father and thy mother. The government says we are your father and mother. We only grant you custody of the children. And if we don't like the way you do your job, we have the right to revoke that custody.

Thou shalt not kill. How many have we killed in the name of peace? Ask the native Americans how well we have observed this one.

Thou shalt not commit adultery. In Washington, it's the national pastime.

Thou shalt not steal. Again, ask the native Americans about the land that was given to them "as long as the grass grows and the water flows". When is the government going to pay back the 2.6 trillion dollars they "borrowed" from the Social Security Trust Fund?

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Lawyers lie in courtrooms every day and encourage their clients to do likewise.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. Our entire economy is based on creating the desire to want more.

Any relatioship between the government and the Ten Commandments is purely coincidental.

Best always
Brother Ron

The Meaning of Noah

Dear Brother Ron

Is this what the story of Noah means? If we take this story as a fable, as I believe the author meant us to, then God is the personification of nature and the ark symbolizes science. Does this mean the author is trying to tell us that science is the thing that will save us from the wrath and fury of nature?


Dear Speedfreak

Actually, the story is meant to explain the different races of man. After the flood, Ham went north and founded the Hamites (caucasians). Shem stayed home and was the father of the Shemites (semites-Arabs and Jews). Japheth went south and fathered the Japhethites (Negroid). Of course, that still doesn't account for the orientals but I guess they were irreleant.

Details, all the time details.

Best always
Brother Ron

Believing in Religion

Dear Brother Ron

Why should I believe in any religion at all? Might the spirit realm only be a figment of our imaginations.


Dear Charmed

Whether you choose to follow a particular religious denomination is entirely irrelevant. The important thing is to get in touch with the Spirit of the living God within you. Religion is merely the outward expression of an inner spirituality. Once you find that inner peace and strength, you may find others with a similar relationship to God and may wish to join with them in worship and service to our Father.

Religion does serve some useful purposes. For one thing, those of similar faith can learn from each other and grow in wisdom and understanding. For another, when several believers join together to focus their spiritual energy on a particular situation, it has a synergistic effect of multiplying the psychic energies many times over. And finally, if you are interested in helping others, churches are by far the most efficient way to distribute aid (assuming you don't get roped into some sect that believes the way to serve God is buying a fleet of limos for the minister).

The sprit realm is very real. Once you tap into the power of God within you, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Best always
Brother Ron

The Sacrifice of Jesus

Dear Brother Ron

Saint Paul in his epistle to the Romans says that Jesus's sacrificial death was required by God to atone for the original sin (the original sin being that of Adam). But we know the story of Adam and Eve to be pure fiction although Paul thought it factual story 2000 years ago. This ultimately means jesus died for absolutely no reson. How do so called modernized christians who reject the creation myth reconcile this fact?

Evolution proves that Adam and Eve's story is nothing but, at best, an allegorical fairy tale since we know men did not come from dirt but from primates and women did not come from a rib.


Dear Jman

There are several problems with the crucifixion being a sacrifice. For openers, a sacrifice requires a sacrificer. Somebody has to offer the sacrifice as proof of their repentence. Jesus offered Himself. It was not proof that anybody else had repented of anything.

Second, a sacrifice requires giving up something. Nobody gave up anything, not even Jesus. He had a bad weekend but three days later, He was back.

Third, a sacrifice signifies a commitment to a deity. People sacrifice to a god to show their loyalty to a god. In a sense, Jesus did this to show His faith that God would restore Him. For the rest of humanity, however, there was no such commitment.

The crowning achievement of the ministry of Jesus was His resurrection from the dead. Without the crucifixion, there could have been no resurrection. Jesus committed "suicide by cop" to prove the power and mercy of God. He proved that the power of God is greater than the power of death. That was the real message of the crucifixion.

The whole sacrifice theme is part of the guilt trip used by the religious institutions to win followers. Look what Jesus did for you. Are you going to reject the gift that it cost Him so much, you ungrateful wretch? Sign this pledge card.

Great marketing, lousy theology.

Best always
Brother Ron

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A New Christian's Questions

Dear Brother Ron

I have quite a few questions (I'm a new Christian, by the way :) )

1) I always had this picture of God as someone who punishes harshly and doesn't forgive if you keep on asking for forgiveness, and if you do something wrong or fail to do something something bad will happen to you...but I know he is a loving God....can anyone tell me more about Him and how He is like?

2) I told God yesterday night I would finish watching this movie: The Life and Times of Jesus Christ, today. But if I don't finish it today because of 1, lack of time 2, (i feel really guilty about this) at times I'm not interested (I know nothing is more important than God and Jesus and I feel really guilty...).....what will happen to me?

3) I pray every night as a routine and even if I don't have much to say I still have to pray. So is prayer and worship supposed to be a routine and if you break it you will be punished? Like is obeying God supposed to be routine? I want to please Him but sometimes I am quite confused.... :(

4) I always have a lot of temptations and I find it hard to control them so will God forgive me if I keep sinning (I'm just a really weak-minded and I lack self control.....) but praying for forgiveness and repenting I try to be as good as I can

5) Some of my family aren't Christians and I am really afraid for them because they are not saved yet and might end up in Hell and I'm really afraid for them I keep on praying that they will find a way to love God as I love him.... :( What can I do? I'm scared for my Atheist family members and my friends.....

6) Sometimes I feel like God has withdrawn from my life and I do not feel the same love and light as I do most of the those times I feel lonely and afraid...Christians do you know this feeling and do you know any more about this?

7) As Christians what are the major things we can and cannot do?

8) Sometimes I feel guilty when I am not interested in things I should be interested in (like reading the Bible, praying, watching movies about God and Jesus (good movies), reading about God......sometimes I do, sometimes I don't feel interested and it makes me feel really guilty so what can I do?

9) I'm confused because sometimes it seems like I am Christian only because of my selfish desires and for my OWN good, but I know that everything is for God and his Glory how can I stop thinking that everything is "me, me, me?"

Thank you very very much

Deep Thoughts

Dear Deep Thoughts

1. God does not live by our rules of space and time. He has already seen every mostake you will make and has already forgiven you for them. The people who preach otherwise are merely using scare tactics to get your money and get you to behave.

2. You will find other ways to learn more about Jesus and His message than a boring movie. Maybe God was telling you there's more to the story than what the movie was showing.

3. Prayer is a good thing. God loves to talk with His children. But prayer is more than just talking, it's also listening for God's answer to your prayers. Prayer is a conversation, not just a monlogue.

4. See number 1 above. Eventually you will figure out that the things that keep tempting you will not get you where you want to go and you will stop. It's called growth. It's kind of like the guy who goes to the doctor, moves his arm up and down and says, "Doc, it hurts when I do that". The doctor replies, "Well, stop doing that". If sin makes you feel bad, stop doing things that make you feel bad.

5. They will eventually figure it out. If not in this incarnation, they will in the next. In the meantime, just take your cue from Matthew 5:16-"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven". When they see the change it has made in you, they may realize that you are onto something.

6. Since the Spirit of God is alive and well within you, He can not desert you. The two of you are stuck with each other. What you are feeling is the noise of this world becoming so overwhelming that you can not hear God's voice. That just means you have to focus harder to hear it. But it's still there.

7. There are just two things you have to do-love God and love your fellow man. That's it. Follow those two rules 24/7 and everything else falls into place like a row of dominos.

8. Do you listen to music 24 hours a day? Do you watch movies 24 hours a day? You have a life. You probably have many interests. God wants you to have a life. As long as He is the center of it, He does not want to be your whole life. He has other work for you to do.

9. Have you ever played a sport like football or baseball? Was the object of the game for the team to win or for you to be the star? As long as you are contributing to the team's victory, you will be rewarded. If you think only of your own glory, the team loses and you won't be the most popular guy in the locker room. Focus on serving the will of God and your reward will come. That philosophy has worked well for me for many years.

Hope this helps.

Best always
Brother Ron

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What would you say?

Dear Brother Ron

What would you say if you were sitting in church and this random guy started muttering about how this religion was wrong in so many ways? What would you say to him? Now- what if it turns out that guy was Jesus in his 2nd coming? What would you say? Would you stay true to your faith or abandon it for the "right" one?


Dear Brainstem

I would ask Him to enlighten me about what was wrong with it. Whether it was Jesus or just some guy off the street, I would be interested in his opinion. He might have insights that I have not thought of. He might have ideas I agree with. Or he might be mistaken about his impressions. In any case, it might be an opportunity for both of us to grow and learn.

I consider that a good thing.

Best always
Brother Ron

May 21

Dear Brother Ron

Have you heard about the may 21, 2011 being the day that Jesus comes and the story behind that.

This is a link I found after my husband told about this story he heard on the radio. I would like to know what you think about this. please check it out and give me your view on this.

Thanks and God bless.


Dear Glorybee

I believe the whole rapture thing is a misinterpretation of the scriptures. The Bible talks about "that day" and the churches take it to mean the day will be the same for everybody. That does not square with the near-death experiences of many. It also does not square with the words of Yeshua. The only time He ever looked anybody in the eye and said, "You're going to heaven" was the thief on the cross beside Him.

Luke 23:39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. Luke 23:40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? Luke 23:41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. Luke 23:42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Notice He did not say "You're going to die but don't worry about it. Lay around in the grave for a thousand years or so and when I get around to it, I'll get back to you". He said, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". I don't see a lot of fine print there.

This is a common tactic for religious organizations who want to add a "fire sale" effect to their marketing. This offer is only good for a limited time so rush to your nearest dealership NOW!!! Great marketing, lousy theology. Remember the prediction that the world was going to end on January 1, 2000? That was just one of many such predictions which did not come true.

One day, your life in this world will end. And on that day, our Father will welcome you home. But don't expect the whole world to join you.

Best always
Brother Ron

Friday, May 13, 2011

Behavior of the Body of Believers

Dear Brother Ron

I believe that the body of believers is not much better than they were in Paul's day. We have corruption in the body of believers. We have people who use church as their social hour and don't take sermons to heart. We have people who are so-called "Christians" and they are treating people worse than some atheists do. Some atheists have morals better than some Christians. Some Christians don't understand that grace is given freely, but it is all the more reason to celebrate the grace of God. They take his grace and sacrifice for granted. Do you see what I see, or am I alone in this battle?

You may think I am being judgmental but God is the only judge. I do not judge. There is a difference between judging and condoning. I am NOT condoning behavior that weakens the church. So I may be judging their behavior, but not judging them. Judging a person and behavior are very different things. This society has become to politically correct and people have disregarded morals for the feelings of others along with taking "judge and lest be judged" out of context. Well we can't control their feelings so we might as well tell our opinions right? Who is going to step up for reform?

Robert White

Dear Robert

You are not alone. I moderate a forum of over three thousand ministers and hear the same comments repeatedly. From these comments, I would also conclude that this is not a new problem by any means. Since it has been going on at least since the time of Jesus (remember His comments about the Pharisees), chances are it is not going to stop any time soon.

The only way to combat this is to live and minister as Jesus told us to do. I realize the struggle will be long and hard. You may not live to see a victorious conclusion. Disciples of Jesus were persecuted for hundreds of years before emerging victorious. But be assured that eventual victory is assured.

Best always
Brother Ron

Unholy Warriors

Many religious professionals and politicians are making the mistake the of equating the religion of Islam with the homocidal maniacs who are hiding their crimes behind God's back. These thugs have about as much to do with religion as NASA has to do with ballet. Personally, I wish we would stop referring to these animals as "Islamic". It makes them sound like some kind of holy warrior. There's nothing holy about them.

I notice that the Taliban claims to have "avenged" the death of Bin Laden by killing Pakistani security forces. The President was very clear in his
announcement that we went in without Pakistani knowledge or consent. So they took revenge on the wrong people. In addition, the people they killed were fellow Muslims. What does the Qur'an say about Muslims who kill other Muslims?

These maniacs are nothing but rabid dogs. How do we deal with rabid dogs? How much does a rabid dog have to do with religion? About as much as the terrorists have to do with the Qur'an.

Best always
Brother Ron

Know your enemy

If you have seen the movie "Patton", you may remember the scene of the general standing on a cliff overlooking Rommel's burning tanks and yelling, "I read your book". He was able to defeat Rommel because he understood how his adversary thought. We should adapt the same strategy in confronting those who have hijacked Islam from a religious movement to a political and military movement.

Since 9/11, we have seen glaring examples of politicians who clearly did not understand their adversary. One of the most glaring was the Congressman who referring to Muslims worshipping their "monkey god". He then apologized, not to Muslims but to Hindus who thought he might have been referring to Lord Hanuman. If the Congressman had taken the time to understand what he was talking about (an absurd idea, I know), he would have found the following in the Qur'an:

002.133 Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy god and the god of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (True)Allah: To Him we bow (in Islam)."

Perhaps the most famous example of willful ignorance was the urban legend about verse 09.11 of the Qur'an. The verse was wrongly quoted as "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace."

The verse actually says, "009.011 But (even so), if they repent, establish
regular prayers, and practise regular charity,- they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand."

I believe it is important to understand not only what you believe but why you believe it. It is also important to understand what you do not believe and why you do not believe it. Otherwise, you are fair game for those who would use your lack of knowledge to further their personal agendas.

Isn't that what the terrorists do?

Best always
Brother Ron

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Atheists in Education

Dear Brother Ron

How do atheists have such a strangle hold on our (American) educational system? From what I gather from a few statistics I've seen, the majority of the US doesn't accept the theory of evolution. Apparently, eighty-some percent of this country believes that the Judeo-Christian God is responsible for the creation of the universe and life on this planet. With such an overwhelming majority, how does "creation science" stay out of public schools? They've stripped it down enough that it isn't affiliated with any religion. It doesn't violate our constitutional rights of separation of church and state, so why has it not been taught as a viable alternative to evolution? Our president (and presumably many others in D.C.) starts everyday with a prayer and has meetings with the pope, so it isn't the people in power holding it back. So, what's the deal? Does creationism / ID really have no leg to stand on or what?


Dear Bowledunder

It's not the atheists who have a hold on the education system, it's the science teachers. Of course God is responsible for the creation of the universe. The problem is that you can not use the scientific method to validate the existence of God to a scientific certainty. Since you can not use science to prove the existence of God, you should not teach God in a science class.

The problem is not that science teachers don't believe in God. Many (if not most) do. But their belief is based on faith, not scientific experiments. Science limits itself to objective data which can be documented and verified in a controlled environment. What lab is big enough to contain God? What scientist can duplicate creation?

Creationism should be taught in the home and in the church but it has no place in a science class.

Best always
Brother Ron

Are We Saved by Faith Alone?

Dear Brother Ron

Are we saved by faith alone, or do we need works, too? Aren't works just evidence for salvation and cannot save us? If works could really save then are we saying we can earn our salvation and are sharing glory with God? If you say faith and works what do you do with this verse?

And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work Romans 11:6


Dear Thewitness

We are saved by the grace of God. But if we truly love God, we will do His work and live as He would have us live. By doing so, we convince others of God's love and encourage them to join us in worship and service to Him. How many people have rejected God because of the misdeeds of His supposed followers?

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Jas 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Best always
Brother Ron

Are There Things Science Can Not Explain?

Dear Brother Ron

Do you agree there are some things we simply cannot explain through science?


Dear Razzletop

Of course. In order to be scientifically valid, a theory must be based on observable phenomena. Furthermore, you must be able to duplicate the results in a controlled environment. There is a whole universe outside the limits of the scientific method.

The most obvious example is love. I love my wife deeply. But a scientist could argue that I only stay with her out of habit, a sense of duty or laziness and it was only lust that attracted me to her in the first place. Neither of us could prove our case in a laboratory.

The same is true of God. Since God exists in a reality beyond our concept of space and time, it would be impossible to contain him within a laboratory. Therefore, it would be impossible to scientifically prove the existence of God. On the other hand, just as I know deep down that my love for my wife is real, I know deep down that the love God has for me is real.

Science will never be able to explain that in terms which meet the criteria of the scientific method. On the other hand, they can't disprove it either.

Best always
Brother Ron

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are There Many Paths to God?

Dear Brother Ron

Do you think there are many paths that lead to God or is there only one way?


Dear C.L.

I have studied the literature of most of the world's major religions. Although each claims to have exclusive knowledge of God and His plan for this world, I find their visions and messages amazingly similar. So if you are asking whether there are many religious denominations which can help you find spiritual enlightenment, the answer is yes.

If you are asking whether you can do, say or think anything and still find God, the answer is no. The first secret to finding God is knowing where to look for Him. You will not find Him in a building, in a book, on the internet or on a television program. You will find Him living deep within the innermost core of your being. Jesus told us this:

Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

The second secret is recognizing Him once you find Him. Churches tell us we need to "believe in" God and Jesus. The word translated as "believe in" in the Bible is the Greek word pisteuo, which means to have faith or put trust with. Once you find the Spirit of God within you, you have to trust that Spirit to guide your thoughts, words and actions in the right direction. If you trust your own judgment more than God's, you obviously do not believe in Him.

Let me give you a small example. As I write this, I am sitting in a chair. I trust the chair to hold me up. I believe the chair has the strength to keep me from falling on the floor. I have faith that the chair will not allow me to be injured. I am constantly amazed that people have more faith in their furniture than they do in God.

Best always
Brother Ron

Are Our Pagan Ancestors in Hell?

Dear Brother Ron

A lot of people in the past were pagans. Now if paganism is wrong, are our ancestors in hell for their practices such as Wicca, druidism, voodoo, native American spirituality, fortune telling, astrology, numerology, spells, psychics, etc. Thanks!


Dear Wondering

Let me ask you a question. Do blind people go to heaven? How about the mentally impaired? Do those with Down's syndrome go to heaven? How about the deaf and the physically handicapped?

If god can forgive our physical shortcomings, don't you think He is able to forgive our spiritual shortcomings as well? The people you mention worshipped the limited concept of God which they could comprehend. I seriously doubt that God condemns people to eternal damnation for not being able to fully understand Him. By the way, I include a lot of members of mainstream religions in that category as well.

Best always
Brother Ron

Are My Parents Being Fair?

Dear Brother Ron

My mother tells me about her problems and says she is going to die and then she never does. She just told me this and now I'm scared and I don't know what to think. She brings everyone down and right now my dad is very sick and won't take medicine or go to the doctor. I'm 15 and I now have a lot of extra stress to deal with. They don't know my problems and the extra hurt I'm feeling now. They also don't notice that prescription narcotics are making me ill and I am becoming anorexic.


Dear Heart

You are in a very dangerous and dysfunctional situation. The first thing you need to do is check yourself into a rehabilitation facility. Your health is in serious danger and you need immediate attention. In addition to helping you overcome your addiction and eating disorder, the therapists will work with your parents to help them overcome their abusive behaviors.

From what you tell me, your parents are using you to satisfy their own emotional needs and have no regard for your own well-being. It is time to stop being a victim and take control of your situation. I realize you are only 15 and much too young to have such responsibility thrust upon you. But since your parents are unable or unwilling to be concerned for your welfare, you are going to have to be the one to take the initiative.

This is not going to be easy. The situation has probably been developing for some time and will not be resolved overnight. But until you take action to change things, nothing is going to change. Do not wait. You are in danger NOW. You need to take action NOW.

Please let me know how I can be of further assistance.

Best always
Brother Ron

Are Jazz Christian Songs Sinful?

Dear Brother Ron

Can we sing Christian songs with jazz or country music in them? You add your own flavor to Christian songs. Does God consider this a sin?


Dear Legenda

The Bible tells us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. It does not require that noise to have certain words or musical styles. I have written many spiritual songs with different tempos and influences. My virtual guest artists range from Earl Scruggs to Jerry Lee Lewis. If your songs praise God and rejoice in His goodness, I doubt that He will be offended.

Best always
Brother Ron

Are Intellectuals at a Disadvantage?

Dear Brother Ron

Most of the intellectual people I know are not believers of God. They use their minds for many things in life but it seems like they are "blocked off" when it comes to believing in Jesus. It's like a higher IQ makes you a 'doubting Thomas'. Why is it so hard to have faith and believe without seeing?


Dear Ellen

Intellectuals are trained to look for documented proof and collaboration before accepting anything. This can be good when analyzing human works or statements. The problem is this objectivity is based on certain assumptions about what constitutes reality and fact. These assumptions are based on the laws of nature and physics as we understand them.

God and faith are not subject to our laws of nature and physics. It has been said often that man only uses a small percentage of his brain. Imagine what would happen if a person were to find a source of power within himself which would open up new areas of thought and new perceptions about the world around him. What could such a person accomplish? What would happen if a person became one with God as Jesus instructed us to do?

Of course this would require the person to abandon traditional assumptions and traditional ways of thinking. This might be very difficult. Check out the movie "What the #$^& Do We Know?". You can order it from Netflix or get it from most video stores. It might open the eyes of your skeptical friends.

Best always
Brother Ron

Monday, May 2, 2011

Are All Baptisms Equally Authoritative?

Dear Brother Ron

Are all baptisms equally authoritative or are there two forms of authority? Some ministers claim the authority to baptize through priesthood endowments and ordination. Others claim that ministry and baptismal authority can only be endowed by the laying on of hands. Which priesthood authority is better?


Dear Robert

The physical act of baptism is merely a public display of an inner commitment to follow the will of God. It really doesn't matter how or by whom you are baptized. By the time the physical act has occurred, the inner commitment should already have occurred. If it has, then the physical baptism is a mere formality. If it hasn't, the physical act is irrelevant.

Best always
Brother Ron