Monday, July 4, 2011

Money and Religion

Dear Brother Ron

When the rich man wanted to follow Jesus, he was told to give his wealth away if he wanted to be a follower. Please explain why all religions manage to accumulate vast assets and money. It appears that it is all about money and power. Jesus and other prophets would turn in their graves if they knew of the present day religions actions.

Dear Edward

A church must function in the real world, which means rendering unto Caeser as well as the bank, the electric company, salaries, etc. Unfortunately, many religious organizations get so caught up in their business affairs they lose sight of why the church was founded in the first place. There are also many who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Jesus spoke often about them. His words were not kind.

Jesus told us that a man can not serve two masters. There are many churches which exist to serve their communities and the will of God. There are unfortunately many others which exist to accumulate money and power. Our Father knows which is which and will deal with the offenders in His own time and in His own way.

Best always
Brother Ron

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