Monday, July 4, 2011

God and Creation

Dear Brother Ron

What do you think about GOD and creation?

Dear Darnifino

I think the Bible is correct when it says that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. I also think the scientists are correct when they try to tell us how He did it. You are talking about the conflict between religion and science. This conflict is as old as religion itself. Gallileo had to write his findings in code to keep from being roasted by the church.

Science tells us how things happen. Religion tells us why they happen. To me, there is no conflict. Could God have created the universe in an instant with a thought? Yes. Could He have set in motion a chain of events which would take billions of years to unfold? Of course. Which method did He use? I don't know. I wasn't there and neither was anyone else. We are all just guessing and threatening to kill anybody who disagrees with us.

The whole argument is pointless anyway. We will never get where we need to go if we keep our focus on the rear view mirror instead of the road ahead. However we got here, we're here. Now what?

Best always
Brother Ron

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