Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Would Jesus Do?

Dear Brother Ron

What would Jesus do? Would Jesus live it up? Would He appreciate life? Would he make sure he didn't waste a minute of his time on this earth? Is that what Jesus would do, or would he spread the word of God, live in a fantasy, live for words, live for what comes after life?

So what would Jesus do?


Dear Eleanor

I assume you mean what would Jesus do if he were to return to earth today. First, He would make Himself known by presenting undeniable credentials such as miracles and healing. Then He would declare the reason for His return.

I imagine the first order of business would be to set us straight about killing God's children in His name. Then He would challenge us to end the disease and misery which drives so much of this world's population to wars and atrocities. After that, He would help us find ways to take better care of the world our Father has given us.

I doubt that He would have time for parties or fantasies. When His parents found Him in the temple at the age of 12, He told them, "I must be about my Father's business."

I believe there is still much business to attend to. That would probably occupy most, if not all of His time.

Best always
Brother Ron

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