Monday, July 4, 2011

My Father is Very Religious

Dear Brother Ron

My father is very religious and has always been pushing his views on me ever since I was little. I am now living out of his house on my own. Even though I do not have the same beliefs, he will still persist with his religion on me. He has been asking me consistently to go with his church to him. I kindly turn down the offer, yet he still keeps asking...nearly every time he sees me. Should I just go?


Dear Fenix

I believe this is an important event your father wants to share with you. You should grant him the pleasure of doing so. Before going, however, you should have a clear understanding between the two of you that your attendance will not change your beliefs and he should not expect this. If that understanding can not be reached, you should not go.

I believe accompanying your father will accomplish one important goal-you will have a better understanding of what your father believes and why he believes that way. You could also make it a reciprocal deal. You will accompany him to his church if he accompanies you to yours. He needs to understand you as much as you need to understand him.

Best always
Brother Ron

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