Saturday, June 25, 2011

Religion and the War in Iraq

Dear Brother Ron

I've noticed that ever since the War in Iraq, most Christians target Muslims, saying that their faith is false. Why do most of them target Muslims, not other religions that don't believe in their God or another god? I kind of find it mean that some Christians pick on Muslims more than other people who don't believe in their God.

To those who say the Muslims use their faith as an excuse to kill America, please study the history of Christian crusades because Christians made that excuse too. And to those who believe that the Muslims are spies, in World War II, America thought that the Japanese living in America were spies! They rounded them up into the Arizona deserts. After the war, it was proven that NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS A SPY.

And didn't Jesus say to "love your enemy"?


Dear Hope

This is because certain Muslim groups have turned their religion into a political movement. They attempt to seize political power by using terrorist tactics. They kill innocent people and claim they are doing it in the name of God.

I think God has much too much class to get involved in politics. He wants willing servants, not hostages. In fact, I do not even believe these hoodlums are really Muslims. Every chapter of the Koran begins with the words "In the name of Allah, the benevolent, the merciful". I don't see a lot of benevolence or mercy from these thugs.

I wish the press and the politicians would stop referring to these creeps as Islamic. They are merely political assassins hiding their crimes behind God's back. Personally I would not want to be in their shoes when they are finally reunited with our Father.

Best always
Brother Ron

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