Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ablution of Males and Females

Dear Brother Ron

Is there a difference between ablution (wadoo) of a male or a female?

Dear Clonehead

Ablution means washing the body. The washing you are referring to is the ritual act of washing before Muslim prayer as called for in the sixth ayat of sura 5 of the Koran. Wudu involves making the intention, washing the face, washing the arms, wiping the head (in the manner of anointment), wiping the feet to the ankles, rubbing thoroughly when washing and not interrupting wudu.

Various denominations of Islam have variations of this ritual but all follow the same basic pattern. Since all phases of wudu involve body parts common to both sexes, there would seem to be no difference between male and female ablution.

Best always
Brother Ron

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