Dear Brother Ron
Why do so many preach about the Bible when they celebrate holidays like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve and Birthdays? These are clearly pagan and Satanic celebrations that should not be celebrated by Christians. I've seen Colossians 2: 16 referred to as justification for observing celebrations, but this was not what the context of that scripture is about.
It is that the Christians would no longer have to celebrate these days and they should not feel bad about not observing Law requirements anymore. How can someone teach me their religion's interpretations of the Bible when they celebrate the Satanic celebration of Birthdays? At birth Satanists believe they become a god. The only other more important date is Halloween. Do people really truly honestly think they have God's guidance if they practice something a Christian should find filthy?
The Encyclopedia Americana informs us: “The reason for establishing December 25 as Christmas is somewhat obscure, but it is usually held that the day was chosen to correspond to pagan festivals that took place around the time of the winter solstice, when the days begin to lengthen, to celebrate the ‘rebirth of the sun’. The Roman Saturnalia (a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture, and to the renewed power of the sun), also took place at this time, and some Christmas customs are thought to be rooted in this ancient pagan celebration.”—(1977), Vol. 6, p. 666.
Eph. 5:10, 11: “Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord; and quit sharing with them in the unfruitful works that belong to the darkness, but, rather, even be reproving them”. 2 Cor. 6:14-18: “What fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Be′lial? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever? And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? . . . ‘“Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,” says Jehovah, “and quit touching the unclean thing”’; ‘“and I will take you in, . . . and you will be sons and daughters to me,” says Jehovah the Almighty.’” See 1 Corinthians 13:6.)
Compare Exodus 32:4-10. Notice that the Israelites adopted an Egyptian religious practice but gave it a new name, “a festival to Jehovah”. But Jehovah severely punished them for this. Today we see only 20th-century practices associated with holidays. Some may appear harmless. But Jehovah observed firsthand the pagan religious practices from which these originated. Should not his view be what matters to us?
Sister T
Dear Sister T
The more appropriate verse is Matthew 6:24-" No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon". Mammon was the Roman god of commerce. In other words, you can not worship both God and money.
The holidays you decry are not a celebration of Satan or paganism. They are used to entice us to spend money. Christmas is almost three months away but the merchants have already begun their campaigns to tempt us to begin spending. The recession has made their efforts even more desperate. Look for the flood of inducements to intensify in the weeks ahead.
Halloween is the second-biggest money maker for the merchants. The name comes from All Hallows Eve, which was the day before All Saints Day (November 1). This was originally a religious holiday to honor all the saints. How many of us stop to honor the saints after our annual chocolate orgy?
We do indeed lust after other gods. But the god we lust after has pictures of dead presidents, not Lucifer.
Best always
Brother Ron
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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